Luc Brunet – 18 March 2014 Some more thoughts about the Ukrainian crisis, after the referendum in Crimea and the expected integration of the region into the Russian Federation. To start with,…
Ukraine: A split to save lifes!
Luc Brunet – 4 March 2014 As events in the Ukraine are still unfolding, and rightly create a lot of emotion and all sides, let’s take a step back a look at…
Ukraine, and what now?
Luc Brunet – 25 February 2014 The Maidan events ended up in a very unexpected way some days ago, leaving the country a political vacuum. Dramatic events happened and the death of…
Marriage and kids… who wants that?
Luc Brunet – 29 January 2014 For the first letter of this year, I wish to address a very sensitive social discussion that raised a lot of noise in many countries in…
A day on the Maidan
Luc Brunet – 13 December 2013 A few weeks ago, demonstrations started in Ukraine to support the move for the country to enter into a trade agreement with the EU, and we…
Radical Islam… you really said invited?
Luc Brunet – 29 July 2013 I finally decided to send this letter about a very touchy and hot situation in many places in the world : the growing influence of radical…
About Russia
Several readers of this Letter have asked me to comment about the situation in Russia and my views on its recent evolution. Indeed the subject is very interesting and does not lack…
Sovereign Debt
Luc Brunet – 1 April 2013 One of our subscriber recently asked me a simple question, or at least one that looks simple : why do countries contract debt? As a matter of…
Cyprus 2
Luc Brunet – 1 April 2013 The Cyprus story took a very interesting turn. As you remember from my previous letter, I wrote that the most probable outcome was a scenario closed to…
The Cyprus Syndrom
Luc Brunet – 22 March 2013 A very interesting week with the latest development of the crisis, this time in Cyprus. Nothing new indeed, and some readers may remember that this Letter…